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Booth University College - Winnipeg


Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in The Salvation Army’s 156 year history of meeting the needs of society’s most vulnerable. Deeply committed to social justice, we blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all.

Booth University College

Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Booth University College is a Christian institution rooted in The Salvation Army’s 156 year history of meeting the needs of society’s most vulnerable. Deeply committed to social justice, we blend Christian faith and rigorous scholarship with a passion for service. Our approach to learning is anchored in academic excellence and based on a vision of hope, social justice and mercy for all.

In today’s changing world, students should be proficient in literature, philosophy, history, religion, fine arts and both social and physical sciences. With this foundation in place, our students are prepared to pursue knowledge in their chosen field of expertise. Whether that field is the humanities, the social sciences or a professional degree, exposure to the broad range of human knowledge makes our graduates better people and citizens. The integration of this knowledge in a Christian world-view, prepares our students to explore its boundaries with courage and commitment. With the mentorship of committed professors and instructors, we expect our students to tackle the most difficult and complex issues of our day with hope and confidence.

Our Commitment – Education for a Better World

Booth University College’s commitment is to provide Education for a Better World. We educate students to understand the complexities of our world by developing the knowledge and skills necessary to be active contributors to society and to know how Christian faith compels them to bring hope, social justice and mercy into the world. We go beyond preparing students for a career. We prepare and inspire them to go out and make a positive impact in their communities and the world around them.

As a Christian university college, our mission is shaped by biblical realism that acknowledges the world, although created by God and endowed with His goodness and beauty, is deeply troubled. Alongside the richness of this world and the dignity of human life, we recognize that we live in a world that has fallen short of the glory in which it was created.

We want our students to see the beauty of the world but also be informed about the challenges of life together on this planet. These challenges of an environment in deep distress, presented by societies and social systems that are voracious in their appetite for “muchness and manyness” and the challenges of injustice that spring from self-interest run rampant.

As a Christian educational institution, we explore the world as it is, with its mix of splendour and violence, despair and hope, injustice and a longing to do better. Much of our work together is an effort to expand our understanding beyond what we have always thought, known or believed.

But as a Christian university college, it is imperative that we do more than simply understand the world as it is. We must also look beyond what currently exists, past the constraints of the moment and envision a better world. We must prepare our students not only to identify and understand the challenges of the present but also to envision solutions for the future; not only to explain why the world is as it is, but also to work to make it better; not only to comfort those who are suffering, but also to heal their wounds.

Education for a Better World is our commitment and is central to the mission of Booth University College for this reason. Our goal is to educate our students so that they can live lives that are informed by the discipline of their minds and transformed by Christian faith. We want to prepare our students to be both willing and able to work hard to bring this better world near.

Mission Statement

William and Catherine Booth University College, a Christian university college rooted in The Salvation Army’s Wesleyan theological tradition, brings together Christian faith, rigorous scholarship and a passion for service. The University College educates students to understand the complexities of our world, to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be active contributors to society and to know how Christian faith compels them to bring hope, social justice and mercy into our world.

Vision 2020: The Road to Booth UC Strategic Plan

We intend to make our mission statement more than mere words and into a reality. To accomplish this, Booth University College has identified six strategic initiatives. Detailed in our strategic plan, which it will pursue in the coming years.

Strategic Initiatives

  • Growing Our University Profile
    • Having transitioned into a university college, Booth UC will continue to develop as a small university by implementing new programs, growing its faculty, enhancing services and increasing its reputation as a Christian university of choice with a vibrant culture of learning. The key to this development will be pursuing membership in the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), an appropriate accreditation body and one final change in name to “Booth University”.
  • Enhancing the Student Experience
    • Booth UC will emphasize holistic student life by integrating curricular and co-curricular programs to provide students with vibrant, transformational experiences. We will work intentionally to develop graduates who lead balanced, innovative lives.
  • Establishing a School for Continuing Studies
    • Through the development of a School for Continuing Studies and other initiatives, Booth UC will emerge as the centre for Salvation Army leadership development, training and education for officers (post-CFOT), employed staff and lay members. We will continue to create opportunities that provide continuing studies to people and organizations outside of The Salvation Army.
  • Embedding and Sustaining Christian Faith, Service, Hope, Justice and Mercy
    • As a Christian university college, Booth UC will focus energy and resources on educating students in the Christian faith and with a view to service by bringing hope, justice and mercy to a world characterized by despair, injustice and revenge.
  • Increasing Our Enrolement
    • Booth UC will develop a comprehensive and long-term enrolment management strategy that emphasizes student recruitment and retention, ultimately leading to continued enrolment growth of more than 500 students by 2020.
  • Strengthening the Resources to Achieve Our Mission
    • Booth UC will maintain a proactive approach to developing and engaging excellent staff and faculty by cultivating strong relationships with donors and developing facilities to serve a growing student population.

Vision 2020: The Road to Booth University

Sir Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Casting a vision for Booth University College requires that we look beyond what is right in front us to imagine what might be. We have to take time to climb above the whirlwind of day-to-day operations to think more broadly and more deeply about what God is doing at and through Booth University College. We must achieve clarity about where we are going. We have to have a goal in front of us.

To accomplish this we have stood on the shoulders of the giants who have gone before us, those who laid the foundations of Booth University College. We have stood on the shoulders of the faculty, staff, students, alumni and donors—past and present—who have given so much to Booth UC.

Now, having done this, we are able to see more clearly where God is leading us next. We envision Booth UC as a Christian university that is deeply grounded in The Salvation Army’s Wesleyan theological tradition. We imagine Booth UC as an institution in which scholarship, Christian faith and service are united. We dream of Booth UC as one of the means through which God brings us into a better world.

We are excited to share it with you and to chart the course that will take us there. We cannot make this vision a reality in our own strength. Already we are experiencing God’s blessing upon our endeavours and we need your support to help us move forward.

    Applying to Booth University College

    There’s no application fee for Canadian and American students, so why wait? Apply online in these simple steps.

    • Decide on a program
    • Review the admissions requirements
    • Explore our scholarships and awards to see what you’re eligible for
    • Complete your application online. Be sure to upload all supporting documents that are required
    • Arrange for your official transcripts to be sent to the Admissions Office

    Application Deadline
    Scholarships at Booth UCApril 30, 2023

    • Winnipeg

      Webb Place,447, R3B 2P2, Winnipeg

      Booth University College - Winnipeg