Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business
Cambridge, United Kingdom
0 up to 30 Weeks
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2023
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The BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma is a broad-based practical business qualification intended for students seeking an alternative to a Foundation Degree or Degree and wish to combine study and part-time work.
The course will be taught by Business lecturers who are committed practitioners working within the business industries. The team may be complemented by guest speakers who are also working within the industry.
The BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma is a broad-based practical business qualification intended for students seeking an alternative to a Foundation Degree or Degree and wish to combine study and part-time work.
The course will be taught by Business lecturers who are committed practitioners working within the business industries. The team may be complemented by guest speakers who are also working within the industry.
Through the BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma course of study, you will explore, challenge, develop and extend your independent inquiry and analytically skills; research for professional and academic reports; confidence in writing university-level assignments and academic work preparation; ability to write business plans and to set up your own business; develop your presentation skills; English, Maths and IT skills through the vocational assignments; employability skills, e.g., team building, leadership, advocacy, self-management, organization, presentation, peer support as well as adaptability and problem solving You will study a range of core and optional units.
For the BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma, there are 7 core units: Business Strategy; International Marketing; Research Project (Pearson set); Organisational Behaviour.
There are further optional units, the choice of which is at the discretion of the team.
This is classed as a full-time course – on successful completion of this course. You will gain a BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma. Home & EU students are eligible to apply for a full-time loan from Student Finance England.
To join the BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma course, you will need to show evidence that you have achieved HNC in Business or a Business related course and/ or relevant work experience.