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Fort Berthold Community College - Neuta Hidatsa Sahnish College

The Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (NHSC) is tribally chartered by the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation headquarters at New Town, North Dakota. NHSC is tribally controlled by a Board of Directors, which consists of seven members. The College was founded May 2, 1973, as the agency responsible for higher education on the Fort Berthold Reservation.

The values of NHS College are modeled in a similar structure to the earth lodge, the common home of the Nueta, Hidatsa, and Sahnish people. Unity, our key value, is in the center – similar to the central position of the fire pit in earth lodges. Just as a fire radiates energy, so too does Unity usher in the surrounding principles of Spirituality, People, Culture, and Future. These four domains stand in the position where posts of the earth lodge support its roof.

  • New Town

    8th Avenue East,220, 58763, New Town

    Fort Berthold Community College - Neuta Hidatsa Sahnish College