Koulutus Center
The most valuable resource of today is being professional and highly qualified in whatever you are doing. Koulutus Center Great Cut Academy of Finland was established in 1985 and Make-Up Artist Academy started one year later. The academies are well-respected private schools uniting the best traditions to modern views and new visions.
You have the motivation – our academies will give to you the skills and inspiration
The most valuable resource of today is being professional and highly qualified in whatever you are doing.
Great Cut Academy of Finland was established in 1985 and Make-Up Artist Academy started one year later. The academies are well-respected private schools uniting the best traditions to modern views and new visions.
CityBeauty Academy in Helsinki is a cosmetician school of 12 months.
Styling Academy will provide the students with up-to-date information of styling and make-up.
The basis to the professions of hairstylist, make-up artist and stylist is the combination of creativity, sense of style, skills and good practice of techniques. You have got the first two of these – we will teach you the rest!
The education is mainly based on practice. Theoretical education takes place during the first two hours of the schoolday. We have students from all around the world.
During the academic year a strong feeling of ”doing things together” arises. Each and every student's personality and individual needs are respected.
The students receive a school report and a diploma, which are of great value on the labor market.
During the education, our students take part in several projects during which good relations to employers are also created.
Our students are entitled to study grants from Kela, The Social Insurance Institution of Finland.
If you have motivation to study feel free to apply to our academies.
An interview will take place (via e-mail or by phone) after you have sent the application.
- Helsinki
Kalevankatu 12, 00100, Helsinki
- Tampere
Satakunnankatu 29, 32100, Tampere