Advanced Corporate Governance and Sustainability
London, United Kingdom
3 Weeks
Full time
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GBP 8,225
By attending this course, you will look at sustainability from a global, environmental perspective. Following on from the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is refocusing on global warming and climate change, and what actions companies and citizens can take to slow the negative impacts of CO2 emissions. Many organizations avoid the consequences of their unsustainable business practices, and seek to ""externalize"" – that is to say, transfer- the costs of pollution and climate change to others. Meanwhile the poorest countries suffer from poverty, poor sanitation, hunger or lack other fundamental human rights. Our training course considers collaborative initiatives from a range of corporate and global actors, such as the United Nations, allowing us to unpick the threads of sustainable development, globalization, climate change and environmental sustainability.
Our Leadership and Structures of Corporate Governance training provides an insight into the fundamentals of this fascinating subject. Corporate Governance is about what Boards do and how they do it- how Boards are structured, what their priorities should be and what international codes set out as best practice. This course will provide a foundation for an understanding of Corporate Governance and provide a basis for subsequent training.
When companies go off track – unexpected risks become reality, unplanned-for claims arrive without notice, a sudden vacancy appears among top management – shareholders look to the Board of Directors for an explanation and a remedy. But how do we know if directors are effective? And how should we measure their performance? This course examines 'what good looks like' for members of a board when carrying out their duties – including the Board chairman, the Company Secretary and non-executive directors.
The course will wrap with a summary of the key learning points, followed by an action planning exercise with a view to apply the acquired knowledge and skills immediately upon your return to work. Post-course support is also available in relation to the implementation of your action plan, up to six (6) months following course completion.
Corporate Governance Fundamentals
- Corporate Governance defined
- Corporate Governance theories
- Corporate Governance Codes
Role of the Board
- Corporate purpose and strategy
- Corporate risk
- Corporate culture and Ethics
- Balancing the interests of Shareholders and Stakeholders
- Engaging with stakeholders
Board Composition and Structures
- Board Structures: Unitary vs Dual Boards
- Board Composition
- Board Committees
- Creating Board Diversity
Employee Representation on the Board
- Typical Board composition
- Why invite Employee Representation?
- Models of Worker Representation on Boards
- Upsides and Downsides of Mandating Employee Representation
The Effective Board Director
- Directors Legal Duties
- What skills do Board directors need?
- What makes an effective board?
- Evaluating Board Performance
Leadership, Independence and Governance
- Role and skills of the Board chairman
- Roles and skills of the Non-executive director
- The company secretary as head of governance
- Role of Executives
- The Executive Committee
Performance Measurement and Remuneration of Directors
- Appointments to the Board & Succession planning
Running an Effective Board Meeting
- How to run an Effective board meeting
- Meeting Agendas
- Minutes
- Schedules
Course Review
- Summary and recap of key learning objectives
- Action Planning
Target Audience
This course is suitable for:
- Non-Executive Directors wanting to understand their role;
- Other Board members wishing to refresh their knowledge and skills;
- Chairs of organizations, Chief Executives, Company Secretaries, Other Heads of organizations;
- Professionals, practitioners, and managers in corporate investment, as well as Leaders in state owned enterprises, public, voluntary, and non-profit organizations;
- Those needing to get to grips with good governance such as Inhouse counsel and Regulatory and Compliance professionals.
- Community Relations managers and executives
- Health, Safety and Environmental managers and officers
- Risk managers and professionals
- Legal and compliance managers and professionals
- Managers and staff who wish to develop business practices to help their organizations act in a responsible way.
- Managers and staff concerned with influencing or implementing corporate strategies that consider environmental, social and governance issues.
- Managers and staff responsible for CSR projects.
- Managers and staff who plan and implement corporate policies in relation to community relations, environmental protection, health and safety, procurement and the supply chain.
- Any member of the organization who is tasked with developing sustainability or corporate responsibility initiatives or strategies.
- Executives tasked with delivering business results while at the same time protecting and enhancing their company’s reputation for responsible behaviour.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand how investors apply ESG measurement techniques when selecting investments.
- Consider the purpose of Sustainable Development and the global initiatives to deal with it.
- Debate the aspirations for a carbon-neutral economy to reduce the impact of Climate Change.
- Understand the fundamental principles of corporate governance, including: the role of the Board of Directors; how boards are structured and operate, including through Board Committees; and the benefits of board member diversity including gender, ethnic and 'functional' diversity.
- Describe what the legal duties of a director are.
- Recognize the characteristics of an ineffective Board.
- Review how to run an effective board meeting.
- Explain the roles and skills needed for key appointments to the board, including the chairman, company secretary and non-executive directors.
- Implement a performance measurement structure for individual directors and the board as a whole.
- Implement an Action Plan at your workplace using the knowledge and skills acquired through the course.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.