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StudyInBali  Study Abroad Tropical Architecture, Interior & Green Design

Study Abroad Tropical Architecture, Interior & Green Design

Bali, Indonesia

15 Weeks


Full time

15 Feb 2025

30 Mar 2025

USD 2,600 *


* EUR 2190 regular fee | early bird tuition fee: USD 2420/EUR 2340


Bali is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world, blessed with a unique blend of artful, traditional architecture, and also modern Western influences. The hotel and villa architecture is characterized by buildings that harmoniously combine Eastern and Western design concepts to give an adorable outward appearance. The 15-week program “Tropical Architecture, Interior & Green Design” at the Institut Desain & Bisnis Bali (IDB Bali), formerly known as Sekolah Tinggi Desain & Bisnis Bali (STDBali), is designed exclusively as a semester abroad for international students and graduates.

The program offers deep insights into the “indoor-outdoor-living” in the tropics, the art, and craft of furniture design as well as a sustainable building with natural materials. The participants will work on innovative design concepts, and will also discover the unique architecture of Indonesia in lectures, guest lectures, weekly excursions, and workshops.

IDB Bali

Institut Desain & Bisnis Bali’s creative campus blends an academic environment with a family atmosphere. It is one of Indonesia’s most popular creative arts educational institutions.

15 Weeks

The fifteen-week program combines lectures and guest lectures with weekly excursions, workshops, leisure activities, and cultural events. All classes are held in English.

6 Subjects

Six subjects lend insight into the unique architecture and interiors in a tropical climate and the topics of indoor and outdoor living, furniture design, green architecture, and building with natural materials.

30 Credit Points

You can receive up to 30 ECTS credits within the Tropical Architecture, Interior & Green Design program. The ECTS credits are transferable to other credit systems such as the US credit system.

How is the course organized?

The semester is composed of

  • Lectures in English
  • Excursions
  • Workshops
  • Design projects
  • Language course in “Bahasa Indonesia”
  • Selected cultural events
Read more on the institution's website

Ideal Students



Program Outcome

Program Tuition Fee

Why study at StudyInBali

About the School
